Curriculum Vitae

2020/10 - present, Rudolf Mößbauer Professor, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Germany

2016/06 - 2020/09, group leader, Chair of Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Germany

  • Humboldt Research Fellowship
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (EU Horizon 2020 programme)

2013/04 - 2016/05, Postdoc, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, CA (Miquel Salmeron group)

    2012/12 - 2013/03, Research Associate, University of Cambridge, U.K.

    • Doctoral Prize, EPSRC (U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)

    2008/10 - 2012/12, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Cambridge, U.K. (Supervisor: Dr. John Ellis)

    • DOC-fFORTE scholarship, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
    • EPSRC studentship to cover university and college fees
    • Postgraduate stipend, Austrian Exchange Service (ÖAD)

    2007/12 - 2008/09, Master thesis in Physical Chemistry (Supervisor: Prof. Erminald Bertel)

    2003/10 - 2008/09, Diplom (~M.Sc.) in Chemistry, University of Innsbruck, Austria

    • Merit awards (Leistungsstipendien), every study year

    Awards and Prizes

    • 2019, ERC Starting Grant TACCAMA
    • 2018, Member of the Young Academy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Junges Kolleg der BadW)
    • 2016, Max Auwaerter Prize, Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG)
    • 2013, Springer Thesis Prize
    • 2011, Best Poster award, Gordon Research Conference, Dynamics at Surfaces, Newport, U.S.A.

    Max Auwaerter Prize award, photo by Robert Alexander Herbst

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